elaeagnus umbellata KoralVariety introduced from our nursery. Very productive - large fruits with a sweet-sour taste sit close to the shoots. They ripen in late September.
A strong growing and very productive shrub reaching 3-4m height. The fruits are good for fresh eating and preserves. They have a sweet-tart flavor and are juicy, average 8mm in diameter. They begin to ripen in September but the best taste occurs at the end of October. The flowers are strong honey-yielding. If the fruits are remained on plants they are also showy and very attractive to birds in winter.

Plant it on poor, dry and good drainaged soil. Resistant to salt, wind and heat. Needs full sunlight – does not tolerate shade. In very cold winters it could freeze back but resprouts good.
Self sterile.

elaeagnus umbellata owoce05067Second variety bred by us. Slightly less bearing, but with larger and sweeter fruits.
Self sterile - at least two different plants are needed for pollinating. Plant density about 2m.

American variety with yellow fruits ripening in September.
Of our three varieties, this is particularly popular with birds.elaeagnus umbellata Amber owoce

elaeagnus umbellata Koral

It has darker shoots and ivory-colored flowers that develop a little earlier than on other varieties. The leaves are also darker, more contrasting with the flowers. Variety with the sweetest fruit and the most frost-resistant of all, selected by us from seedlings grown in one of the coldest regions of Poland.


elaeagnus umbellata Koral

Fruit of average size, but exceptionally sweet. It blooms last (probably self-pollinating). Among the currently offered varieties, it ripens the earliest, at the beginning of September.

Small, silvery leaves make Silver Bird the most decorative of all varieties.